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For people with ALS, Family Caregivers & Healthcare Professionals

ALS Family Tribute Dinner
April 7, 2019

ALS Care Project Banquet

Dr. Erik Pioro, ALS Section, Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Erik Pioro speaking

Dr. Pioro speaking

Pam Cazzolli RN; John Parker CPA; Dr. Erik Pioro; Atty Kathaleen OBrien, ALSCP Vice President

Drs. Erik & Mattie Pioro & Pam Cazzolli RN

Remembering the late Dr. Gregory Gray, Founder of Eye Centers of Ohio

Pam Cazzolli gives tribute to late Dr. Gregory Gray & ALS Families

Pam Cazzolli, Maria Gray, Kevin & Sheryl Gray

Maria Gray sharing at banquet

Bob & Pam Cazzolli

Pam Cazzolli, Betty Giacometti, volunteer, & Sheryl Holt, PT PhD, ALSCP Board Member

ALS Care Project Banquet

Musicians Kevin DiSimone & Hilary James

Tribute to the Late Dr. Gregory Gray

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