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  1. Benditt JO. Noninvasive ventilation at the end of life. Respiratory Care 2000;45: 1376-1384.  

  2. Boitano LJ, Jordan T, Benditt JO.  Noninvasive ventilation allows gastrostomy tube placement in patients with advanced ALS. Neurology 2001;56:413-414.  

  3. Benditt JO, Smith TC, Tonelli MR. Empowering the Individual with ALS at the end-of-life: disease-specific advanced care planning. Muscle and Nerve 2001; 24:1706-1709.

  4. Mitsumoto H, Bromber, M,Johnston W, Tandan R, Byock I, Lyon M, Miller RG, Appel SH, Benditt,JO, Bernat JL, Borasio GD, Carver AC, Clawson L, Del Bene ML, Kasarskis EJ, LeGrand SB, Mandler R, McCarthy J, Munsat T, Newman D, Sufit RL Versenyi A. Promoting excellence in end-of-life care in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord. Sep 2005;6(3):145-154.  

  5. Birnkrant DJ, Bushby KM, Amin RS, Bach JR, Benditt JO, Eagle M, Finder JD, Kalra MS, Kissel JT, Koumbourlis AC, Kravitz RM. The respiratory management of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a DMD care considerations working group specialty article.Pediatr Pulmonol. 2010 Aug;45(8):739-48.

  6. Benditt JO, Boitano LJ. Pulmonary issues in patients with chronic neuromuscular disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013 May 15;187(10):1046-55.  

  7. Britton D, Benditt JO, Merati AL, Miller RM, Stepp, CE, Boitano LJ, Hu A, Ciol MA, Yorkston KM. Associations between laryngeal and cough dysfunction in Motor Neuron Disease with Bulbar Involvement.  Dysphagia. 2014 Dec;29:637-46.

  8. Wang L, Elliott M Henson L, MD, Gerena-Maldonado E, Storm S, Downing S, Vetrovs J, Kayihan P, Paul P, Benditt JO, Weiss M. Death with Dignity in Washington Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Neurology 2016 Nov 15;87(20):2117-2122.

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